Mental Health Support

What is a mental health condition?

Mental health conditions is a general term for a range of disorders that can affect a person’s mood, thinking and behaviour. Some examples of mental health conditions are depression and anxiety.

What causes mental health conditions?

It is often hard to find the exact cause of a mental health condition. They are often due to a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors that can include:

trauma or abuse in early childhood or later life conditions such as learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities and people with acquired brain injuries. chemical imbalances in the brain, which are often genetic substance abuse low self-esteem, feelings of loneliness, or isolation changes to a person's life, for example, a death or divorce Is poor mental health the same as a mental illness?

Even though the terms are used interchangeably if a person has poor mental health it doesn’t necessarily mean they will be diagnosed with a mental illness. It’s common to have periods of poor mental health throughout your life, especially during times of stress or big change - but that doesn’t mean you have a mental illness.

If you feel like you’re struggling with your mental health and it is having an impact on your daily life, please make sure to talk to a healthcare professional.

How can a mental health condition affect a person’s life?

A mental health condition can affect a person’s life in many different ways. It has an impact on how a person thinks, feels and acts, which means it can affect how a person handles situations, interacts with others and the life choices they make.

Long periods of untreated mental health conditions can begin to affect a person’s physical health too, for example, depression can increase a person’s risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

What is supported living for mental health?

Supported living services provide additional support and guidance to individuals with complex needs who require extra support with managing their mental health. Supported living allows people to keep their independence and live in their own homes, and have support on hand as and when needed.

The amount of support provided depends on the individuals’ unique needs - it could just be a few hours a week, through to 24-7.


The FAB Intervention Pathway Framework

Is a model that focuses on social and emotional capabilities that are of value to our Service users

demonstrating their link to outcomes such as educational attainment, employment, healthy

relationships and independence in the community.

The Framework outlines a step by step approach to measuring these capabilities in practice. This

Framework will help to address the key challenges and impact on the lives of our Service Users. We

focus on reducing negative outcomes and sustained personal, social and emotional development, which evidence shows is fundamental to current and future wellbeing and success.

Each Service User identifies key areas in their lives where they require development and staff support them to set goals in these areas. These goals will be reviewed every 4-6 weeks depending on what is outlined in the care plans.

The setting of goals ensures the treatment and support the residents receive is specific, measurable and focussed on the residents working towards independence.

Key areas include Managing mental health, managing physical health, self love and care, living skills, healthy relationships, creating and maintaining boundaries, education, employment, responsibility, identity, self respect and self esteem.

Key outcomes include:
  • Personal and social development: through which our residents develop social and emotional capabilities, including determination, self-control, persistence and self-motivation.
  • Social and emotional capabilities: soft skills or non-cognitive skills, communication, creativity, self confidence, managing feelings, problem solving, leadership skills, resilience and self esteem.
  • Developing social, communication, and team working skills: the ability to learn from experience, control behaviours, and make good choices. Developing the self-esteem, resilience, and motivation to persist towards goals and overcome setbacks.
  • Educational development and achievement/career success: Participation in training, literacy and numeracy, community courses, and activities, taking advice on services to improve education, budgeting and tenancy support.
  • Being Healthy: Psycho-education, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, dietetic education, meal planning and preparation, self regulating and behavioural skills and changing thought patterns.
  • Positive relationships: Those which can also be measured and valued by other people, accessing public services, local communities, and family networks. Having positive relationships, involvement in meaningful, enjoyable activities. The skills required to achieve these goals will be developed and nurtured during one to one and key worker sessions. We also work with external services and organisations who are able to provide further support such as therapy with the overall aims being rehabilitation and the prevention of deterioration
If you have experienced mental health problems or care for someone who has and like to have a confidential discussion about our services please contact us on

01270 878263

or send us an email to

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