About Us

Fab Supported Living Limited, Supported Living Service (SLS) is designed to enable adults with an enduring, but managed mental health need, to further progress in their personal recovery journey. The overall objective will be to prepare our service users to eventually move on to living independently or with minimal support in the community.

Fab Supported Living Limited, SLS, combines housing with support and our services users will have their own tenancy rights. The tenancy rights will be managed by a contracted Housing Management Agency called Legacy Housing Management Limited.

The level of support we offer can vary between locations ranging from 24 hours onsite support, to visiting support for a few hours each week.

If you have experienced mental health problems or care for someone who has and like to have a confidential discussion about our services please contact us on

01270 878263

or send us an email to info@fabsupportedliving.co.uk

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